Sunday, March 14, 2010

Synergy: Kombucha

Found this at a vegan restaurant in Chicago.  It's called Kombucha, which is fermented tea and loved by the organic community.  This particular drink was placed with several other juices and can be bought by any age, but when it arrived at our table, was poured into WINE GLASSES!!!  It had a remarkably tart smell, causing us to spend a good 10 minutes trying to determine whether it was appropriate for us to drink.  Both of our faiths make it impossible to have alcohol.  However, there are some things that have minimal amounts of alcohol in them that are acceptable, such as vanilla (which has about 2-3%, but sometimes more like 35%).  On the other hand, we won't have it in desserts or foods that cook using alcohol -- even when they say it "cooks out."  This particular brand states that it has less than 0.5% alcohol content, which allegedly is negligible.  Therefore, after much discussion, we determined it was appropriate. ;)

Kombucha is strong as it is, but with the presence of grape, it was even stronger.  It tastes somewhat bitter and must be sipped slowly -- it's not a drink you can chug.  Despite this, it is supposedly considered a "miracle drink" in some parts of the world and is said to have healing properties.  Filled with antioxidants, it cleanses out your system.

As interesting as it was, it's strong smell reminds me too much of an alcoholic beverage, so I won't likely be enjoying it again.

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