Saturday, January 8, 2011

Organic Options

"I live in Naperville, what are my options if I want to support the organic food industry?"

So here's the reality.  Being a vegetarian is admirable and awesome, but just how practical is it?  Have we reached the level of consciousness as a society that allows for that lifestyle?  Eating meat seems to be an interwoven practice with our culture of food.  In many ways, it can be viewed as insulting to reject food that has been prepared for you, even if you disagree with it.  Therefore, perhaps there can and should be exceptions to this practice.  Perhaps the step before vegetarianism is simply conscious eating.  What that means is that we are conscious about where our food comes from and that we would rather eat vegetarian than simply not know.  Meat is an option if it was happy meat prior to the slaughter.

Grocery Stores:
Whole Foods:  It is the all-inclusive organic grocery store.  Everything from the produce to the snacks.  There is little question about where the food is coming from and therefore little thought that needs to go into it.  Prices are higher than your average grocery store, but the reality is that you get what you pay for.  Additionally, the expiration dates on dairy products seem to be less than would be expected (1 week for a gallon of milk?).  They also sell happy meats.

Trader Joe's:  Not impressed with the produce section of the store.  There are a variety of healthy food options.

Food Chains/Restaurants with Organic Options:
Noodles and Company
Jason's Deli
Harvest Cafe

(Still on my search...feel free to comment ideas.)

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